RVCA Mapreader: His & Hers

wouldn't describe myself as a 'hat person' per se. But somehow this past weekend rapdily became all about the hat.
Having made a fashion-YOLO pact a while back means I'm continually forcing myself to try new things (kind of like those annoying people who are on a bizarre mission to eat exclusively raw, vegan food 'just because' - no offense, but ugh). I've done the beanie thing (perhaps that's an understatement - here's the proof), and I'll usually wear a cap of some variety to the gym. But a full on H-A-T? No. That was until my friend Nicole showed up in her RVCA Mapreader last Friday. 

The thing is, she looks good. That's undeniable. There's a whole free-spirited lovechild vibe happening - and it's incredibly lovely, but not exactly me. Nevertheless (and with that YOLO spirit kicking-in) I grabbed, I crowned and conquered. Besides, the best part about trying other people's things (aside from zero commitment) is you might actually learn something about yourself. I suppose I learnt I no longer hate hats. In fact, I might begin to maybe consider buying a wide-brimmed Stetson at some point (if I'm going there, I'm going there). And there's a lot to be said for that.   

Alexander Atkins and Nicole Umatum, both wearing RVCA's Mapreader, in San Francisco.

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