Know this: people can be wrong. I mean I'd definitely categorize the short-sleeved shirt as a basic yet I've never really been a huge fan - they're all a bit too 'I'm a hardware engineer' or something. But then you have this moment when you see one and it's completely different. A wave of confusion washes over you so you're all '"whatever, it's just basic, it's nothing". WRONG! It's Marni, a fact which inherently means it's going to be very, very cool.
As a result I now find myself reconsidering things in a massive way. Should I commit to the chop or should I hold firm in my pre-conceived and usually unwavering thoughts regarding the short sleeve (ie: don't do it)? Does it actually look good or am I just trying really hard to be into it? And also, why am I trying to be into it? I don't know. But what I do know is it's November, so I should probably revisit this conversation in May.
- This post is part of Mr Porter's Global Style Campaign. Alexander Atkins, photographed by Ai-Li Chiong Martinson in Half Moon Bay, wearing Marni and Acne.