This trusty mantra was exactly what was going through my mind during an overdue and much needed visit to Wasteland in San Francisco. Perhaps now it's best to mention I'm a recent convert to the whole vintage thing. The idea, but really the smell were both very odd (eau de grandmother's-moth-ball is not exactly my favorite, anything Tom Ford is). But then you grow-up and get over it. You also discover the small miracles your local dry cleaners are capable of.
So with sleeves rolled-up, nose firmly pinched and eyes sharp I began scanning the racks. Rocker tees, leather pants, plaid coats, hats - you probably know the drill. Then a glimmer of hope. A soft crewneck sweater in the most perfect shade of taupe. And then came the insane realization, 'Fuck - I just found a Louis Vuitton!?'. No previous vintage find (and there have been a few) was ever so exciting. Is that shallow? Don't answer that - I don't really care. The point is I found it, tried it, bought and now I'm here, wearing it. It's everything in that it's 1) Louis Vuitton (duh) and 2) not obnoxiously Louis Vuitton. I'm all about understated luxury and this, my friends, is the definition of.
- Alexander Atkins, wearing a vintage Louis Vuitton sweater and a Forever 21 camouflage beanie, photographed by Irene de Jong in Los Gatos, California.