At the Shows - ØDD

There definitely was nothing ordinary about ØDD's F/W'13 presentation at the Industria Superstudios last night.
For starters the installation featured thirty models positioned on brick place-holders wedged in sand, holding LED lights. Perhaps the whole thing was a touch urban-nomad-meets-Laurence-of-Arabia. But really it was all about texture (we're talking goat fur (!) and gauze), skilled bias-cuts, pleats, drop-crotches and draped everything. Designers Judson Harmon and Jordan Klein even developed a specific stain treatment inspired by the gentle discoloration of vintage book pages.  

A bustling videographer station centered directly in front of the installation gave the room an experimental element, transforming guests into voyeurs - so that was something. And let's not forget the cellist and his amplifier (I was all about it) - creating a stark, perfectly moody underground vibe. 

For more on coverage from NWFW click here. To view my vine covering the ØDD presentation click here.

DD has a storefront at 164 Ludlow St. For more information click here.