Generation Selfie

We've all done it - you know exactly what I mean. We've all tapped that reverse-camera-switch and taken a selfie.
Ain't no shame in your game (or mine for that matter). And while I tend to shy away from the look-at-my-gym-progress selfie, you guessed it - I am going to defend the glorious (and virtual) ode-to-self. 

Basically the selfie is a movement. It's a thing, it's inherently our thing. It belongs to us. Our parents were baby-boomers: they did flower-power and Woodstock. What have we done? I mean there was Clueless, mushroom cuts and tamagotchi (yeah, I'm legit). But more than that there was (and still is) the selfie. It probably started way back in seventh grade when we all got our first camera phones. Mine was a Motorola and the camera clipped-on (it was très cool). Awkward mirror shots, endless bluetooth exchanges, the shy-selfie, the naughty-selfie (you get the idea) - we're all about it. Modern social media is practically defined by it.

So it should come as no surprise that on a recent visit to Assembly New York I took a series of selfies - all showcasing my favorite picks from Illesteva's new collection. Besides catering to my continued obsession with sunglasses, I suppose it can all be interpreted as a form of self-expression (narcissism even). But for me it's also about giving and getting style advice from friends all over the planet. And you know what? - that's pretty sweet.

*You can always expose yourself to more selfies and other random rants by following on Twitter and Instagram.